Special Education Transition Project
The ESC Region 19 Transition program serves parents, families and educators by offering resources and training on federal and state guidelines for transition services. Staff development and technical assistance are available to support districts, charters, families, and community agencies in achieving student success as the students move towards high school graduation and beyond.
When students graduate from high school, they often face a future that has more questions than answers. For students with disabilities, the future can be even more uncertain. Transition planning is a process that prepares students with disabilities and their families for that transition from the public school to adulthood.
7th Annual Charting the Course events are coming. Save the Dates and make plans to attend. Events are open to all students grades 9th-12th in the ESC Region 19 area. Contact Leah Wood for information on reserving a space for your group, 915-780-5349 or
September 25, 2024 El Paso County Coliseum
October 22, 2024 UTEP Student Union East
April 4, 2025 TBD
Texas Employment and Transition Guide
This transition and employment guide is for you, the student in Texas public school, who may have received special education services due to a disability. It also provides helpful information for your parents. This guide has steps you and your parents can take to make sure you are able to find the right work or educational choices for you after high school. It also tells you where to get the services you will need after high school.
Project Manager and Support Staff
Roadmap to Transition
This live link will take you to the resource created by Dr. Linda Mack and her team from Cy Fair ISD.
Good Vibes Charting the Course Day Three Podcasts
Various podcasts from Charting the Course day three, includes students, parents, teachers, and parents.