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Special Education Department

Special Education Department

The Education Service Center - Region 19 Special Education Department provides technical assistance and training to school districts and charter schools to develop, implement and evaluate services and programs for students with disabilities and their families.

 The goal of the Special Education Administration services is to assist districts and charter schools to meet the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act and the state regulations including the Commissioner's Rules.  Services provided include a monthly Special Education Administrators Network meeting that provides the opportunity for special education administrators and leaders to network.

The network meetings include:

  • Updates and discussions related to student performance
  • Accountability
  • Legal updates
  • Federal and State Initiatives

Information is provided to LEAs in the development of special education funding applications, reports, and procurement of other funds. Training and technical assistance are provided to school districts and charter schools in the Performance-based Monitoring System, the State Performance Plan, and implementing a continuous improvement process. ESC Special Education staff collaborate with the Texas Education Agency to promote and implement state leadership initiatives and activities.

We encourage you to visit our project links and connect with the Special Education Department staff here at ESC-19.  We look forward to meeting and serving you.

Juan Alderete

 Juan Alderete, M.Ed

Department Director

(915) 780-6570



 Sandie Colon

Administrative Assistant

(915) 780-6565


Mental Health Resources for Educators and Schools

The resources found on the Texas Department of State Health Services webpage help educators learn about mental health intervention and development, substance abuse prevention and intervention, and suicide prevention. Several of these programs are for curriculums to be used in the classroom, but many are knowledge-based for educators themselves.

Special Education Network Meeting Access to Live Binder

LiveBinders have been created to support the monthly SPED Director's Network Meetings. Currently, there is one for 2018/2019 and one for 2019/2020.

Please inform us of any errors you may find. Thank you.

2021-22 Sped Live Binder